Are you a robot?

Are you a robot?

No, this isn’t a rant on robots replacing human workers. Been there, done that. Today, I’m just sharing about how, while requesting some market stats on robotics I was CAPTCHA’d —  duped by the Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart — in the most peculiar way. I was seeking a … Continue reading

Analytics: How to avoid the top hindrance to (re)building your business

Analytics: How to avoid the top hindrance to (re)building your business

Manufacturers and others working through the COVID-19 crisis and planning to regain their competitiveness will rely on data analytics more than ever. But they’ll need a smarter, more strategic approach to prevent the most common cause of failure. Fortunately, the problem is more human than technical in nature, and it’s fixable. The Fourth Industrial Revolution … Continue reading

The eye in the sky, now on the edge

The eye in the sky, now on the edge

Discussing digital transformation with a brilliant mind in the field of digital transformation recently, I asked: “What emerging technology do you believe will be most transformational in the industrial sector?” His answer: Video. His focus on video stems from the growth in IT bandwidth and the ability to support video with AI-powered analytics to more … Continue reading

The robots are winning

The robots are winning

AI disruption seems to have thinned the workforce for good. Now what?  Where would we be if wheels were still square? If the Luddites kept machines out of textile mills? If the cotton gin didn’t decimate the pre-war Confederate workforce? Today, one has to wonder how many truck drivers will be able to find new … Continue reading